By: Stefan Fogel
Translation: Vladko Murdarov
Director: Lilia Abadjieva
Set designer: Vasil Abadjiev
Photographer: Ivan Abadjiev
More than anything else Mike wants to marry Fernanda, so he has to meet the demanding test of his future father-in-law. During the decisive meeting not only Mike’s financial status turns out to be in a difficult position, but also his best friend and part time accountant Sasha as well. To make things worse Mike’s ex-girlfriend Izabel with her baby, whose father is not even Mike, appears on that particular evening!!!
The servant Tzita is ready to take things under her control, but she wants a respective award for her “professional” silence and combinability.
During a single evening a labyrinth of lies entangles which is difficult to overcome. Because everybody wants to be happy and to be loved. And truly to love…
According to the Austrian theater critics Stefan Fogel is at his best as a playwright and author of the comedy “Everybody but Me”.
And the question is not only what the price of truth, lie and silence is…
The performance is not suitable for people suffering from photo epilepsy.